
We are not just another indoor range.

Calgary Shooting Centre provides both the facilities and expertise to advance your shooting skills whether you are a novice or a professional. It is a state of the art range designed by shooters, for shooters that demand more.

The Facts

  • Two 25m gallery ranges
  • Each range has 6 lanes and each lane has a computer controlled target retrieval system
  • Each lane is rifle rated to 460 Weatherby Magnum and shooters can use steel jacketed or steel cored ammunition

Advanced Technology

  • Modern backstop design eliminates lead dust and ricochets, and allows the use of steel jacketed or steel cored ammunition
  • A modern ventilation system that meets the extremely stringent requirements of the US Army and Navy (and is so effective we even allow the use of black powder)
  • Specially designed acoustic dampening so that reverberations and concussion are minimized